If you are a Listing Agent, the Reverend has some very bad news for you:
To your beloved sellers, you are nothing more than a steer or a pork belly; a standardized, interchangeable commodity; easily substituted.
Do you honestly believe that you hold the key to moving property or making the market behave in some magical, mystical way? Yeah, keep dreaming, Merlin.
The truth is that after the first 30 days of market exposure and inertia, your seller will be lusting after the next listing agent like a hungry lion leers at a lame wildebeest. Aren’t you tired of that?
Don’t worry, the good Deacon still loves you!
Can I get an amen? …Thank you!
If you’d like to talk more about how I make buyers happy (and maybe save your soul) call or text me at 773-968-1110 or shoot me an email at scott@scottmsiegel.com